Please enjoy a listen to an interview with the Technical Director of the Kamloops Youth Soccer Association, Ciaran McMahon.
He takes us into his life with an in depth discussion of daily operations and how the professional game influences the Youth Levels.

Featured is Alphonso Davies, a Canadian superstar, who Ciaran mentions as a major factor for the development of the game within Canada.
Audio Interview – Storyboard Outline
1 – Goal:
To discuss and discover what drives registration for local youth soccer organizations. In addition, to talk about the lack of coverage of the national team and the significance of a successful national team program.
2 – Audience:
This is designed for sports fans of all kinds, as well as parents who may be interested in signing their children up for youth sports. Naturally, soccer fans and those who follow the Canadian National Team Programs will be most interested in this interview.
3 – Core Information:
I plan to incorporate the history of the interviewee, day to day operations and how a successful national team impacts youth soccer.
4 – Detailed outline (detail here all the parts that you’re going to include in your audio piece, like Narrated intro, sound effects, interviews, etc..)
I plan to include some sounds, but nothing to overwhelm the listener. I want to also include some basic narration to explain and introduce topics. These narrations will help with flow and will aid the audience stay engaged with the content. The structural organization is very crucial in an audio source, as the order and ability to transition smoothly is key.
My planned interview questions are as follows:
- Where did you work before you started your role and when did you start your role here?
- What are your roles in this job?
- What is the most rewarding part of it for you?
- What do you believe has contributed to the growth of soccer within the area?
- What do you think will help to continue to grow and develop the game in Canada?
- Can you tell me about any development programs or camps for interested youth players?
- How do you think a major global event like the 2026 FIFA World Cup will impact the development of the game within Canada?